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Found 11289 results for any of the keywords fiscal sponsorship. Time 0.013 seconds.
Fiscal sponsorship refers to the practice of non-profit organizations offering their legal and tax-exempt status to groups engaged in activities related to the organization's missions. It typically involves a fee-based contractual arrangement between a project and an established non-profit. -- Wikipedia FISCAL SPONSORSHIP - The AllianceSubscription Options The Alliance for Media Arts + Culture Newsletter Arts2Work Newsletter
EarthShareEarthShare has raised more than $375 million for environmental nonprofits working to create a healthier planet and delivers the tools needed to maximize impact.
Community Innovation | Bush FoundationCommunity Innovation grants fund the most promising ideas to change communities and systems. The grants are meant to be transformation capital. They are an investment in an equitable future where every person has the opp
Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE)SEE can help your organization run and grow as a non-profit
ioby - iobyioby brings neighborhood projects to life, block by block.
Certificates of Sponsorship - Breytenbachs Immigration ConsultantsThere are two different kinds of Certificates of Sponsorship – Undefined and Defined Certificates of Sponsorship.
Sponsoring, sponsorship - advantages investing in sponsoringSponsorship is advantageous - sponsor on sponsoring earns. Sponsoring and sponsorship - advantages investing in sponsorship. Sponsoring, sponsorship.
Fiscal Cash Register, Fiscal ECR Manufacturer ACLASFiscal Cash Register manufacturers, we are the largest fiscal Cash register exporting manufacturer in China, We offer a variety of cash register, printer,
Immigration, Identity, and the Arts - American Composers ForumNEA Big Read is a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest.
Racial Equity Report Card - American Composers ForumEach year we provide updates on our progress toward reaching our organization and equity goals.
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